Disney niega experiencia “Princesa por un día” a niño de 3 años


La madre de Noah quería adelantarle a su hijo un regalo de Navidad, y para ello deseaba poder darle lo que él quisiera, nada más y nada menos que la experiencia “Princesa por un día”, de Disenyland París.

Pero la respuesta fue inflexible: “En este momento no es posible reservar ‘Princesa por un día’, para un niño”.

La mujer no lo podía creer. “Estaba molesta, no podía dejar de temblar. Yo soy su madre y lo apoyo completamente, ¿quiénes son para decirme que no puedo hacerlo”.

This is Noah. My middle of 3 sons. My other two sons are about as sterotypically boyish as you can be but Noah? He loves Princesses, especially Elsa. He knows every single word to Let It Go and most other Frozen songs. We're going to Disneyland Paris in November and I tried to book him in for the Princess For A Day experience as I knew he'd absolutely love it. But Disney replied to tell me he can't have it….because he's a boy. I am FURIOUS. Not just for Noah, but for ALL little boys who Disney won't allow to indulge their love of Princesses…Walt Disney himself said "If you can dream it you can do it" … apparently this doesn't apply to little boys who dare to want to be Princesses at Disneyland Paris. I've written a blog post and Facebook status to send Disney the message that this is outdated and WRONG…these are children enjoying dress up….that's all. What on earth can be wrong with that?! I'd really appreciate any support on this…the link to the Facebook post is in my bio!

A post shared by Parenting Blogger Hayley (@sparklesandstretchmarks) on

Segura de que a Noah nada le gustaría más que poder usar un vestido de Elsa y tomarse una foto junto a su princesa favorita, la mujer denunció el hecho a través de su cuenta oficial de Instagram.

La publicación indignó a cientos de usuarios de la red social, que en cuestión de minutos viralizaron el caso. Tras la polémica, el representante de Disneyland París ofreció una disculpa a la familia.

“Se trató de un incidente aislado, ya que la experiencia es tanto para niños como para niñas. Por ello hemos cambiado la descripción del evento con la siguiente frase: ‘del sueño de todo niño'”.

So…this afternoon we headed off on the ferry to our "childfree spa break" on the Isle Of Wight….we'd been looking forward to it for MONTHS…I mean seriously, every time the kids have refused to sleep until god-knows-o-clock we've looked at each other and just said "Isle of wight!"…it's become a sanity mantra!! As it turns out….we have a stowaway! Guess who?! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yep! Turns out my mum & dad forgot they were babysitting and my mum had a job on back home in Liverpool! Tyne laid all the mummy guilt on me because he didn't want to go and stay with them in Liverpool (I've no idea why, they spoil the kids rotten!) and so…our relaxing child free break is so far consisting of lots of "Mum can you help me get this creeper?!" and "Mum I need a new game!" every 40 second.  Yay.😜

A post shared by Parenting Blogger Hayley (@sparklesandstretchmarks) on

Reflecting on a hectic and stressful few days, but it was worth every uneducated neanderthal troll encounter in the end because Noah (and every other little boy who wants to…) SHALL go to the ball! (or ..you know…the Princess For A Day experience!) Disneyland Paris emailed me last night to confirm that Noah and all other little boys and girls are welcome to all experiences at the park, their staff will all be briefed so that this kind of thing will not happen again, and they have also acted upon my suggestion to change the wording on their website advertising this experience from "Grant every little girls wishes with a Princess experience…" to "Grant every childs wishes…" ❤️❤️ I feel like I've taken more abuse in the last two days than ever before in my whole life added together, but if it changes the experience of one other little boy it was worth it… I usually shy away from confrontation of any kind so I'm a bit proud of myself for taking this on…. "Be the change you wish to see in the world". As for Noah…this photo was taken a few weeks ago, its him looking at himself in the mirror. Considering all the homophobes of the world like to think I "pushed this on him"….it looks like he's pretty happy with what he sees in that mirror to me, don't you agree?

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So last night my boys arrived home after a couple of nights staying with their Nan & Grandad (their first time doing so!). I couldn't WAIT for them to get back…I put out a little sweetie buffet of all their favourite treats for them arriving home, we made a pretend Jail cell under Tyne's bed because he's obsessed with bad guys and cops and knew he'd love it, I bought Noah a new big boy bed with Frozen bedding and a new Princess dress hung up on it…the works!! And they were excited when they got home which of course makes it worth it. But today? They have been AWFUL. Tyne's attitude is getting worse by the day, Noahs Terrible Two tantrums are off the charts and even Sailor seems to be getting them early…Jon & I have ended up bickering with the stress (after two days of getting on perfectly!) and I've found myself mentally counting down the days until school starts because I feel as though I need a break even though I've only just had one which I was wishing away because I missed them!!! Seriously…how confusing is parenthood?!! Yesterday I was ready to cancel our child-free trip to the Isle Of Wight next weekend, and today I can't wait to go!!! 😭😭😭

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